Recycle that Christmas tree, don't throw it away!

Each holiday season, people have to decide: celebrate with a fresh, real tree or get an artificial plastic one that is bad for the environment. The best choice is always to get a real, natural tree. Here’s why:

Real Trees Benefit the Environment

When you plant a real Christmas tree, its roots get to work absorbing carbon dioxide and other gases. The farms that grow Christmas Trees are better environmental partners because each tree planted helps stabilize soil, protect waterways, and provide refuge for wildlife and nature.

Renewable Christmas Trees Are Better Christmas Tree

Real Christmas Trees are grown on farms just like any other agricultural crop. To ensure a constant supply, Christmas Tree growers plant one to three new seedlings for every tree they harvest. Conversely, artificial trees are a petroleum-based product that is not biodegradable and is bad for the envirnment. The average family uses an artificial tree less than ten years before putting it out in the trash, which heads to a landfill for untold years and decades.

Real Christmas Trees Are Recyclable

Real Christmas Trees are biodegradable and can be easily ground up and repurposed for mulch and other uses in the garden in Spring. Always consider the environmental footprint of your holiday purchases, but remember to start with the tree!

andy carrigan